One of Oceania's curiosities is that this continent has already been treated as the “end of the world”, due to its distance from Europe and the Americas. Luckily, nowadays there are several routes to the mainland. What makes tourism in Oceania super viable and does not stop growing.
And this growth is also “the fault” of the discovery of paradisiacal landscapes existing by many travelers, who return from the continent simply numbed with such beauty. Thus, Oceania is one of the most sought after destinations by tourists from around the world.
Oceania is made up of 20,000 islands and atolls. In total, the region has 9 million km² of idyllic landscapes, traditions of aboriginal civilizations and European culture, and cities full of attractions. See in this article the main tourist destinations in Oceania, which includes countries and regions in an exotic tourist map, with some nations with strong and stable economy.